
What Is Kybella®?

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Kybella® is a prescription medication that uses synthetic deoxycholic acid – an acid naturally found in your body – to break down and absorb fat cells. The fat cells are absorbed and filtered out by the body’s lymphatic system. Kybella® injections will result in a permanent change because of the way it prevents fat cells from storing fat. 

It is the only FDA-approved, non-surgical method for reducing the appearance of a double chin. Kybella® sculpts the jawline through the strategic placement of injections. 

What Is The Treatment Like? 

A doctor prescribes Kybella® injections. To determine the number of injections needed, you will need to schedule a consultation to examine the treatment’s target fat. Most patients will need 2 to 4 sessions to achieve the desired results. 

According to Kybella®, you will typically receive multiple small injections that target the fat under your chin.

Is There Any Downtime? 

After treatment with Kybella®, you will have swelling, tenderness, or bruising at the injection site. These side effects are typical and generally subside after a few days. While some swelling may persist for longer, you can still proceed with your usual routine. You may also feel a slight burning sensation as the Kybella® treatment works to absorb fat cells. 

Benefits of Kybella®? 

Kybella® improves self-esteem by providing jaw sculpting that provides a stronger profile. While liposuction provides immediate results, most seeking to change their double chin are happy to go with the non-surgical, gradual route of Kybella® to avoid surgery. 

Am I A Good Candidate? 

Almost anyone who wants to change their double chin can be a good candidate for Kybella® treatment. However, certain medications and medical conditions can interact with Kybella® and cause mild or even severe side effects. Your soul&beautyMEDx consultation will both examine you and consider your entire medical history to determine if Kybella® is right for you. 

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If you’re interested in learning more, call or text us at (949)481-8881, or click the button below and fill out the form on the Contact page. One of our trusted staff members will be in touch!

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